Thursday, August 19, 2010

Achilles Tendonitis

Dancing is an excellent way to get some exercise, be creative, and meet new people.  With the start of school comes the start of dance classes.  For serious dancers this can mean returning to a very rigorous schedule, some dancers partake in five to six classes a week! Because of this, dancers are especially prone to injury.  Dance injuries commonly involve the foot and ankle.  No dancers want to be off the dance floor due to an injury, especially at the beginning of the year.  One way to ensure you are a happy and healthy dancer all year round is through education and listening to your body. Warm up thoroughly before classes, drink lots of water, eat a nutritious diet, and pay attention to your instructor.  If something hurts, stop and if it continues to hurt, see a doctor!

One very common injury in dancer is Achilles Tendinitis.  Achilles Tendinitis is defined as a condition of irritation and inflammation in the large tendon in the back of the ankle.  Those who suffer from it experience pain in the back of the ankle, especially after being inactive, and activities that involve pushing of with the ankle like running and jumping. Achilles Tendinitis is often caused in dancers from jumping and not landing with the whole foot on the ground every time.  If Achilles Tendinitis is not treated in a timely manner, in can become a chronic problem and cause degenerative changes in the tendon, and can even contribute to an Achilles Tendon rupture.

If you are experiencing pain from Achillis Tendinitis, schedule an appointment with your doctor.  A great way to relieve the pain is with Flexstat topical pain reliever available through  Tripod Labs Flexstat is a deep penetrating topical pain reliever that provides quick, effective relief from muscle and joint pain due to sprains, strains, bruises and arthritis. By utilizing a powerful blend of traditional medicines with the purest herbal extracts such as DMSO, MSM, Eucalyptus Oil, Vitamin E and Menthol, Flexstat provides a superior solution for treating foot and ankle pain. This lightly scented formula is proven to relieve pain, dramatically reduce inflammation, and improve joint movement.

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