Friday, August 20, 2010

Funky Feet

Every dancer deals with sweat, some more than others.  Sweating is totally natural and ensures a good workout during dance class.  Although good and healthy, sweat stinks- especially on a dancers foot.
Foot Odor is due to a combination of footwear and the fact that feet have a very large amount of sweat glands.

Sweat is basically composed of just salt and water, so it does not have a smell of its own. The smell occurs when bacteria that normally live on the skin eats the sweat and excretes waste that has a strong odor.

So why doesn't the rest of the body produce such disgusting scents? Because the sweat has a chance to escape into the air or evaporate, unlike feet that are enclosed in tights, tap shoes, pointe shoes, or jazz shoes where sweat accumulates.

Normal sweating is caused by exercise, hot weather, stress, anxiety, and excess clothing.  Excessive sweating can be caused by

Heredity: Some people inherit a tendency to sweat excessively, especially on their palms and the soles of their feet.

Diet : Spicy foods, hot beverages, and beverages that contain alcohol and caffeine can increase sweating.

Certain medications:  Some examples include some medications to treat mental disorders, morphine, and thyroid medicine.

For dancers who exercise regularly and sweat heavily, it is perfectly normal!  To reduce the stink of your feet and gain more friends at dance class, try simple hygiene to reduce the smell of your feet as well as Neat Feat® Cool Foot Spray contains antiperspirant and deodorant. Cooling menthol provides immediate relief and has a light fresh fragrance.  The Cool Foot Spray can be used as often as desired, a perfect item to keep stored in your dance bag.  Click Here to Purchase!

Visit for all of your foot care needs.

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